Monday, October 23, 2017

Week of October 23rd

Parent Reminders:

Continue to help your child practice for our Saint Play - The play will take place on Monday, October 30th at 9:30 AM in the cafeteria, parents are invited!

If anyone is interested in signing up to be our mystery reader, we have plenty of slots still open.
Please email me if you are interested in any of the following dates:

November 10th
December 1st
December 15th
January 5th
January 12th
January 19th
January 26th
February 9th
March 2nd
March 16th
March 23rd
April 13th
April 27th
May 18th

Please pack your child a dishtowel in their lunchbox to use each day. It will be used as a place mat to make our lunch clean up easier! :)

Mission Money will be collected every Wednesday!

Readables will be sent home in a clear folder beginning this week. Please have your child read this with you each night as practice and return to school every Friday for collection. Sign and date the enclosed paper. These readers will help build their fluency and confidence!

The sight word's for this week are: saw, small, tree, your - Each night students will do a different activity with their words. These activities must be completed in their homework books. We set up their copybooks together in class last week, so you know exactly how it is to be done each night. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. 

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during our scheduled library time. Please contact me or the librarian if you are interested, our time slot is every Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:20. Thank you

Every Tuesday is Library - Students need to return books each Tuesday so they can check out a new one
Every Friday is Gym Day - Please be sure to wear sneakers and the correct uniform 

Our Thanksgiving food drive has begun. Grade 1 is assigned to canned vegetables. Your donation is much appreciated 

Our field trip to Milky Way Farms has been changed due to the weather predictions for Tuesday. Our trip will now be on Thursday, October 26th. Please wear Gym uniforms and pack a brown bag disposable lunch with your child's first and last name visible . 

We are in need of more paper towels in the classroom for pretzels and spills each day. Donations are appreciated :)

Homework and Test Schedule: 

Religion - Chapter 4 Test on Wednesday

Moving forward, students will not have to study for ELA tests at home. The ELA tests are a direct review of everything we do in class the week prior. There is only one writing question on the story and the students will be allowed to use their readers to answer it. As long as students are completing their sight word homework each night, they will be prepared for their weekly tests. 

Monday -
ELA - Write each sight word a total of 3 times

Math - Complete pages 147 and 148
Read Readable

Tuesday - 
ELA - Put each sight word in ABC order
Math - Complete pages 153 and 154
Religion - Study for Chapter 4 Test tomorrow
Read Readable

Wednesday -
ELA - Put each sight word into a complete sentence and underline your sight word

Math - Complete pages 159 and 160
Read Readable

Thursday -
Halloween Worksheet - "What should your teacher be for Halloween?"  (Will be in child's folder)

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week of October 16th

Parent Reminders:

We will begin to practice our Saint play this week. There is a paper explaining more in your child's folder. Students do not have to memorize their lines, but need to be comfortable enough with the reading to read it in front of the class. 

Please pack your child a dishtowel in their lunchbox to use each day. It will be used as a place mat to make our lunch clean up easier! :)

Mission Money will be collected every Wednesday!

Readables will be sent home in a clear folder beginning this week. Please have your child read this with you each night as practice and return to school every Friday for collection. Sign and date the enclosed paper. These readers will help build their fluency and confidence!

The sight word's for this week are: this, eat, too, five, four, her - Each night students will do a different activity with their words. These activities must be completed in their homework books. We set up their copybooks together in class so you know exactly how it is to be done each night. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. 

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during our scheduled library time. Please contact me or the librarian if you are interested, our time slot is every Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:20. Thank you

Every Tuesday is Library - Students need to return books each Tuesday so they can check out a new one
Every Friday is Gym Day - Please be sure to wear sneakers and the correct uniform 

Conferences will be held on October 31st. A link for sign up genius will be posted here on Wednesday after school. Please sign up for a time slot 

Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to chaperone our Milky way Farms trip. Mr. Farrell and Mrs. Burpoe have been randomly selected out of a hat since we had so many parents interested! Chaperones may arrive to our classroom at 10:45 on the 24th. 


Math Test on Chapter 2  Tuesday, October 17th
Religion Test on Chapter 3 Tuesday, October 17th

Moving forward, students will not have to study for ELA tests at home. The ELA tests are a direct review of everything we do in class the week prior. There is only one writing question on the story and the students will be allowed to use their readers to answer it. As long as students are completing their sight word homework each night, they will be prepared for their weekly tests. 

Monday -
ELA - Write each sight word a total of 3 times

Math - Review for test tomorrow
Religion - Study for test tomorrow
Read Readable
Bring back Library book 

Tuesday - 
ELA - Put each sight word in ABC order
Math - Complete page 130B - "The Write Way"
Read Readable
Practice Saint Play

Wednesday -
ELA - Put each sight word into a complete sentence and underline your sight word

Math - Complete pages 135 and 136
Read Readable
Practice Saint Play

Thursday -
ELA - Put all of your sight words into a short story

Math - Complete pages 141 and 142
Read Readable

Practice Saint Play

Monday, October 9, 2017

Week of October 9th

Parent Reminders:

We will begin to practice our Saint play this week. There is a paper explaining more in your child's folder. Students do not have to memorize their lines, but need to be comfortable enough with the reading to read it in front of the class. 

Please pack your child a dishtowel in their lunchbox to use each day. It will be used as a place mat to make our lunch clean up easier! :)

Mission Money will be collected every Wednesday!

Readables will be sent home in a clear folder beginning this week. Please have your child read this with you each night as practice and return to school every Friday for collection. Sign and date the enclosed paper. These readers will help build their fluency and confidence!

The sight word's for this week are: help, from, little, get, blue, use - Each night students will do a different activity with their words. These activities must be completed in their homework books. We set up their copybooks together in class last week, so you know exactly how it is to be done each night. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. 

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during our scheduled library time. Please contact me or the librarian if you are interested, our time slot is every Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:20. Thank you

Every Tuesday is Library - Students need to return books each Tuesday so they can check out a new one
Every Friday is Gym Day - Please be sure to wear sneakers and the correct uniform 

Friday, October 13th is our walkathon. You are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon!

Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to chaperone our Milky way Farms trip. Mr. Farrell and Mrs. Burpoe have been randomly selected out of a hat since we had so many parents interested!


No tests this week
Math Test on Chapter 2 next Tuesday, October 17th

Moving forward, students will not have to study for ELA tests at home. The ELA tests are a direct review of everything we do in class the week prior. There is only one writing question on the story and the students will be allowed to use their readers to answer it. As long as students are completing their sight word homework each night, they will be prepared for their weekly tests. 

Monday -
ELA - Write each sight word a total of 3 times

Math - Complete pages 103 and 104
Read Readable

Tuesday - 
ELA - Put each sight word in ABC order
Math - Complete pages 109 and 110
Read Readable

Wednesday -
ELA - Put each sight word into a complete sentence and underline your sight word

Math - Complete pages 115 and 116
Read Readable

Thursday -
ELA - Put all of your sight words into a short story

Math - Complete pages 121 and 122

Read Readable

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of October 2nd

Parent Reminders:

Please pack your child a dishtowel in their lunchbox to use each day. It will be used as a place mat to make our lunch clean up easier! :)

Mission Money will be collected every Wednesday!

Peanut Butter and Jelly Drive ends this week. Please send in any donations!

Readables will be sent home in a clear folder beginning this week. Please have your child read this with you each night as practice and return to school every Friday for collection. Sign and date the enclosed paper. Readers may seem easy, that is OK! It is to help build their fluency and confidence!

The sight word's for this week are: Max, fix, sax, mix, six - Each night students will do a different activity with their words. These activities must be completed in their homework books. We set up their copybooks together in class last week, so you know exactly how it is to be done each night. Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns. 

The library is looking for parent volunteers to help out during our scheduled library time. Please contact me or the librarian if you are interested, our time slot is every Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:20. Thank you

Please send in Field Trip forms and payments for Milky Way Farm they are due no later than this Friday, October 6th 

Every Tuesday is Library - Students need to return books each Tuesday so they can check out a new one
Every Friday is Gym Day - Please be sure to wear sneakers and the correct uniform 


Tests:Religion test Tuesday on Chapter 2

Monday -
ELA - Write each sight word a total of 3 times

Math - Complete pages 79 and 80
Religion - Study for Chapter 2 test tomorrow
Read Readable

Tuesday - 
ELA - Put each sight word in ABC order
Math - Complete pages 85 and 86
Read Readable

Wednesday -
ELA - Put each sight word into a complete sentence and underline your sight word

Math - Complete pages 91 and 92
Read Readable

Thursday -
ELA - Put all of your sight words into a short story

Math - Complete pages 97 and 98
Read Readable

Week of June 4th

Parent Reminders: No written homework for this week. Please study and prepare for all exams! Students will need to bring sharpened pencil...